Back-To-School Kids Active Wear with Nordstrom


We’ve always tried to teach our children how important it is to live an active lifestyle.  Darek and I both (but mostly Darek) have always loved to work out!  We were both involved in athletics in school.  I did cheer and gymnastics and Darek played different sports every season.  The girls have been in dance for three years and just re-started gymnastics.  Now that the school year has started, the girls love to be comfortable and their favorite parts of school are, of course, recess and PE.

Nordstrom has the best athlesure for the entire family.  Brynleigh loves to dress herself for school and is always reaching for comfy clothes and her “fast shoes”.  I love it because they can be comfortable and still look super cute!  Nordstrom offers some of my favorite brands like Adidas and Zella in children’s styles and sizes.  How cute is that?!  When I saw these Adidas leggings I had to get them for the girls.  Truth be told, I have them in my size, too!

These Nike shoes are so adorable and Brynleigh loves the color!

Thank you Nordstrom for sponsoring this post!

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